Work at Height and Rescue Training

First Closed and Confined Space Training Center of Turkey

Work at Height and Rescue Training

MİRA; provides Work at Height and Rescue Occupational Safety Trainings for those working in high-rise buildings such as construction companies, telecommunication companies, energy sector, oil and petrochemical facilities, wind turbines, production plants and factories.

Employees of construction companies, employees of telecommunication companies who will install base stations and pole constructions, employees who will work in wind turbines, hydroelectric power plants, natural gas conversion facilities in the energy sector, employees of oil and petrochemical facilities, employees who will clean skyscraper windows of cleaning companies have to take Work at Height and Rescue Occupational Safety Training.

Workers at height must learn how to save themselves and their friends in the event of an accident.They should be trained in emergency evacuation maneuvers in emergency situations such as fire.

Request Type Closed Group / Individual Participant
Training Type Face to face
Class Quota 1-15 people (Our trainees who come to our facility are covered by the 3rd Party Financial Liability Insurance.)
Training Time 1 day
Training Place İzmir/ Menderes Training Facility, Customer Fields
Target Group All personnel working at height in the industry
Precondition People over the age of 18 who are physically and mentally fit to work at height.
Training Language Turkish, English, German
Training Goals Participants who received Work at Height Basic Training; can work safely at height, use and control equipment accurately.In case of emergency, they will have information about rescuing and evacuating themselves or their co-workers by using rescue equipment.
Trainers In addition to being very successful trainers, all trainers are also constantly working in the field.In this way, MIRA, by seeing the needs of the industry, increases the quality of the training it provides both in theory and in practice. Trainers think that it is ethical to share the experience they have gained by working thousands of hours in different parts of the world and in different jobs with the trainees in the trainings.
Training Content

Theoric Training

- The Concept of Height - Fall Factor - Suspended Trauma - Legal Occupational Safety Rules and Standards - Working at Height and Hazards - Risk Assessment - Basic Principles of Safety - Safety Points (Anchors) - Personal Protective Equipment - Vertical and Horizontal Life Lines - Fall Arresting Systems - Safe Working Positions (Positioning)

Practical Training

- PPE selection, inspection and using - Use of a retractable fall arrest device- Climbing with a lanyard - Working with the horizontal lifeline - Working with the vertical lifeline - Use of the Emergency Evacuation device - Injured rescue - Movable Anchor Points - Positioning

Training Method Theoric + Mostly Practical
Evaluation Done by instructors during training.
Validity Period 2 years
Certification Work at Height Certificate approved by an occupational safety expert is submitted.
Extras Lunches, drinks such as tea and coffee during class breaks and snacks are our self-service treats.
Request Type Closed Group / Individual Participant
Training Type Face to face
Class Quota 1-15 people (Our trainees who come to our facility are covered by the 3rd Party Financial Liability Insurance.)
Training Time 1 day
Training Place İzmir/ Menderes Training Facility, Customer Fields
Target Group All personnel working at height in the industry
Precondition People over the age of 18 who are physically and mentally fit to work at height. Having received the Basic Training for Working at Height (Level 1)
Training Language Turkish, English, German
Training Goals Participants who received Work at Height Basic Training; can work safely at height, use and control equipment accurately.In case of emergency, they will have information about rescuing and evacuating themselves or their co-workers by using rescue equipment.
Trainers In addition to being very successful trainers, all trainers are also constantly working in the field.In this way, MIRA, by seeing the needs of the industry, increases the quality of the training it provides both in theory and in practice. Trainers think that it is ethical to share the experience they have gained by working thousands of hours in different parts of the world and in different jobs with the trainees in the trainings.
Training Content In addition to all level 1 topics; - PPEs - Advanced equipment inspection - Fall arrest and fall arrest systems - Lifting Equipment - Knots - Anchor Setup and Simple Anchors - Rope Descent Applications - Rescuer's Own Safety Principle - Emergency Escape with Automatic Evacuation Device - Rescue from Ladder, Corner Structures and Platforms - Carrying Techniques.
Training Method Theoric + Mostly Practical
Evaluation Done by instructors during training.
Validity Period 2 years
Certification Work at Height Certificate approved by an occupational safety expert is submitted.
Extras Lunches, drinks such as tea and coffee during class breaks and snacks are our self-service treats.
Request Type Closed Group / Individual Participant
Training Type Face to face
Class Quota 1-15 people (Our trainees who come to our facility are covered by the 3rd Party Financial Liability Insurance.)
Training Time 2 days
Training Place İzmir/ Menderes Training Facility, Customer Fields
Target Group Personnel who will lead work at height, occupational safety experts, employers or employers' representatives, shift supervisors or supervisors
Precondition People over the age of 18 who are physically and mentally fit to work at height. Having received the Basic Training for Working at Height (Level 2)
Training Language Turkish, English, German
Training Goals Participants who received Work at Height Supervision Training; can work safely at height, rescue, risk assessment and programming of work to be done, as well as lead teams.
Trainers In addition to being very successful trainers, all trainers are also constantly working in the field.In this way, MIRA, by seeing the needs of the industry, increases the quality of the training it provides both in theory and in practice. Trainers think that it is ethical to share the experience they have gained by working thousands of hours in different parts of the world and in different jobs with the trainees in the trainings.
Training Content In addition to all level 1 and level 2 topics; - Crisis management - Decision making - Advanced risk assessment - Toolbox (on-the-job talk) - Leadership - Personal protective equipment / supplies Inspection, Maintenance and Protection Methods - Use of Pulleys, Mechanical Advantage and Lever Systems - Suspension (hang) Trauma and Injury Situation Management - Advanced rescue scenarios
Training Method Theoric + Mostly Practical
Evaluation Done by instructors during training.
Validity Period 2 years
Certification Work at Height Certificate approved by an occupational safety expert is submitted.
Extras Lunches, drinks such as tea and coffee during class breaks and snacks are our self-service treats.

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