Closed and Confined Space Training

Working and and Rescue Training for Closed and Confined Space

Closed and Confined Space Training

MİRA; provides training on safe working in closed and confined areas (CCA) and rescue in possible accidents, especially for industries with intense closed space work such as energy, construction, food, chemistry, petrochemistry.

Although undesirable, being able to safely reach the casualty and perform the evacuation correctly when an accident occurs is at least as important as working practices. When such situations are implemented in practice, the seriousness of the trainings and exercises becomes meaningful.

Request Type Closed Group / Individual Participant
Training Type Face to face
Class Quota 1-15 people (Our trainees who come to our facility are covered by the 3rd Party Financial Liability Insurance.)
Training Time 1 day
Training Place İzmir/ Menderes Training Facility, Customer Fields
Target Group All personnel working at closed and confined spaces in the industry
Precondition People over the age of 18 who are physically and mentally fit to work at closed and confined spaces.
Training Language Turkish, English, German
Training Goals Ensuring that employees can identify closed and confined areas and existing hazards in the fields, working in accordance with safe working methods in these areas.
Trainers Expert trainer staff working at heights and closed spaces in the industry, having field experience, having diplomas such as occupational safety expertise, mechanical engineering, civil engineering.
Training Content

Theoric Training

- Closed and Confined Areas - Fall Factor - Suspension Trauma - Occupational Safety Rules and Standards - Hazards - Risk Assessment - Basic Principles of Safety - Safety Points (Anchors) - Personal Protective Equipment - Vertical and Horizontal Lifelines - Fall Arresting Systems - Safe Working Positions (Positioning)

Practical Training

- Selection, inspection and using of PPE - Use of retractable fall arrester - Use of lanyard - Use of tripod - Confined space entrances and safe working methods - Use of Rescue Tool - Injured Rescue -Scenarios

Training Methods Theoric + Mostly Practical
Evaluation Done by instructors during training.
Validity Period 2 years
Certification Certified to Work at Closed and Confined Areas by an occupational safety expert.
Extras Lunches, drinks such as tea and coffee during class breaks and snacks are our self-service treats.
Request Type Closed Group / Individual Participant
Training Type Face to face
Class Quota 1-15 people (Our trainees who come to our facility are covered by the 3rd Party Financial Liability Insurance.)
Training Time 1 day
Training Place İzmir/ Menderes Training Facility, Customer Fields
Target Group All personnel working at closed and confined spaces in the industry
Precondition People over the age of 18 who are physically and mentally fit to work at closed and confined spaces.People certified at Closed Space Work Training
Training Language Turkish, English, German
Training Goals Ensuring that employees can identify closed and confined areas and existing hazards in the fields, working in accordance with safe working methods in these areas. To be able to safely reach the casualty and perform the evacuation correctly when an accident situation occurs.
Trainers Expert trainer staff working at heights and closed spaces in the industry, having field experience, having diplomas such as occupational safety expertise, mechanical engineering, civil engineering.
Training Content

In addition to Closed Space Work Training topics;

- Confined Space Work planning and working methods - PPEs - Advanced equipment inspection - Fall arrest and fall arrest systems - Knots - Anchor setup and attachment points - Rescuer's own safety principle - Emergency escape with automatic evacuation - Ladder, corner structures and platform rescue.

Training Methods Theoric + Mostly Practical
Evaluation Done by instructors during training.
Validity Period 2 years
Certification Certified to Work at Closed and Confined Areas by an occupational safety expert.
Extras Lunches, drinks such as tea and coffee during class breaks and snacks are our self-service treats.
Request Type Closed Group / Individual Participant
Training Type Face to face
Class Quota 1-15 people (Our trainees who come to our facility are covered by the 3rd Party Financial Liability Insurance.)
Training Time 1 day
Training Place İzmir/ Menderes Training Facility, Customer Fields
Target Group Personnel who will lead the work in Confined and Closed Areas, occupational safety experts, employers or employers' representatives, shift supervisors or supervisors.
Precondition People over the age of 18 who are physically and mentally fit to work at closed and confined spaces.People certified at Closed Space Work and Rescue Trainings
Training Language Turkish, English, German
Training Goals To manage the safe working of the employees in closed and confined areas, to manage the emergency response in case of a possible accident, to plan, follow and finalize the indoor work.
Trainers Expert trainer staff working at heights and closed spaces in the industry, having field experience, having diplomas such as occupational safety expertise, mechanical engineering, civil engineering.
Training Content

In addition to all level 1 and level 2 topics;

- Crisis management - Decision making - Advanced risk assessment - Toolbox (on-the-job talk) - Leadership - Personal protective equipment / material Inspection, Maintenance and Protection Methods - Use of Pulleys, Mechanical Advantage and Lever Systems - Suspension Trauma

Training Methods Theoric + Mostly Practical
Evaluation Done by instructors during training.
Validity Period 2 years
Certification Certified to Work at Closed and Confined Areas by an occupational safety expert.
Extras Lunches, drinks such as tea and coffee during class breaks and snacks are our self-service treats.

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION2024 fourth quarter %99,75

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