Management Systems Policy
As Executives of MİRA ENDÜSTRİYEL EĞİTİM DAN. ORG. İNŞ. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ.;- We are committed to our clients for meeting their needs and expectations, increasing satisfaction, continuously improving our services and products with help of our experienced and competent staff, our understanding of quality service in accordance with the standards of internationally recognized organizations such as GWO, SPRAT, IRATA
- Our trainees visiting our training center by reducing risks by eliminating the hazards with the risk analyzes we have prepared and secured by third party liability insurance and conducting drills to make emergency plans work in unexpected situations,
-Our employee representatives and employees by eliminating the dangers with our safe and healthy working environment, which we have created to prevent injury and deterioration of health by complying with all Management Systems (Quality, Occupational Health and Safety, Environment) requirements and legal and other conditions, preventing occupational diseases and occupational accidents by reducing OHS risks, providing a framework for determining OHS targets, ensuring compliance with the nature of OHS risks and opportunities and communicating with occupational health and safety trainings in an environment of consultation and participation,
- Our stakeholders by being in accordance with the purpose and context of the organization, managing its relations with transparency, wisdom, mutual trust, real business partnership, pleasant working principles, strategic direction and managing with determined targets,
- Our processes by targeting information security, business continuity and high performance, thinking long-term and managing risks effectively,
- Our company by targeting customer focus and efficiency and acting freely and responsibly,
- Our workplace environment and neighbors by providing the necessary communication to manage risks and emergencies,
- Our visitors, by ensuring occupational health and safety in our workplace, taking measures within the framework of the OHS legislation and other requirements in force and by having the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment
- Our suppliers, by developing relationships of trust through open, equal and fair trade; taking into account the environment, quality, occupational safety and human rights in the supply chain
- Our contractors, by providing the necessary training and support to fulfill its responsibilities; making sure that legal obligations are met
- Our competitors, by avoiding the methods that will bring the competition to an unfair level; not sharing commercially sensitive information, including customer and product information
- Our environment, by preventing pollution, protecting natural resources, environmental awareness, waste management responsibility and using energy efficiently
- Our country by complying with national and international relevant legal and other regulations
(Revision date: 03/01/2022)
GWO Policy
As executives of MİRA ENDÜSTRİYEL EĞİTİM DAN. ORG. İNŞ. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ.- We are committing on fulfilling the requirements of the standards for the trainings of GWO BST modules, (Work at Height, First Aid, Fire Awarenwss, Manual Handling)
- GWO BSTR Basic Safety Refresh Training modules, (Work at Height Refresh, First Aid Refresh, Fire Awareness Refresh, Manual Handling Refresh)
- GWO BTT Basic Technical Training Modules, (Hydraulics, Electrical, Mechanical, Installation, Bolt Tightening)
- GWO ART Advanced Rescue Training Modules , (1- Hub, Spinner & İnside Blade Rescue HSIBR, 2- Nacelle,Tower & Basement Rescue NTBR, 3-Single Rescuer: Hub, Spinner & İnside Blade Rescue SR:HSIBR, 4- Single Rescuer: Nacelle,Tower & Basement Rescue SR:NTBR)
- GWO ARTR Advanced Rescue Refresh Training Modules , (1- Hub, Spinner & İnside Blade Refresh Rescue HSIBRR, 2- Nacelle,Tower & Basement Refresh Rescue NTBRR
- GWO SLS Slinger Signaller Training modules,
- GWO WLA Wind Turbine Limited Access modules;
- And fulfilling the theoretical, practical and remote educational requirements in the facilities/fields of BST, BSTR, BTT, ART, ARTR, SLS, WLA training modules;
- Clarity of organizational structure and comprehensibility of tasks,
- Recording training records; on-time and completely,
- Carrying out risk assessments in accordance with developing and changing conditions, reducing risks, dealing with nonconformities and making accident reports,
- Increasing safety awareness with the trainings we provide to all personnel who will work in Wind Power Plants (WPP), providing safe grounds in relevant work areas,
- Providing customer satisfaction by understanding and meeting the customer's expectations from trainings with our expert staff,
- To comply with the standards published by GWO in the training services we provide, following the latest versions of the standards and to fulfill their requirements,
- And ensuring the safety and health of our trainees, staff and visitors in all our trainings
(Revision Date: 06.01.2025)