Corrosion Repair and Paint

Safe, Fast, High Quality and Economical Solutions with Rope Access


Mira offers its customers high quality, fast and safe corrosion repair, paint and insulation works by using rope access methods.

- Nondestructive testing experts within Mira determine the nature, damage and extent of corrosion.
- Necessary shares and reports are made with the customer.
- Corrosion is scraped off with the help of hand tools or chemicals.
- Surface cleaning is done.
- Anti-corrosion chemicals are applied.
- Priming is applied.
- Final coat is applied.

- Steel construction
- Wind turbines
- Factory chimneys, railings and platforms
- Closed and confined areas (tank, silo, pool, cistern, etc.)
- Bridges, viaducts
- High structures,
- Construction and construction sites,
- GSM and electricity poles,
- Historical places
- Wall painting