Lift Rescue

Lift Rescue Training

Cable Car / Lift Rescue Training

In cases where the self-backing engine and brake systems of the cable cars and lifts do not work or are disabled, the passengers trapped in the cabin must be evacuated.

For this evacuation, traditional methods such as cranes are used, and in places where cranes are insufficient, rescues are made by using rope systems. Every lift operator must have a professional team or get help from an outside team for rescue.

Mira provides professional rescue services and prepares your own technicians for emergencies as experienced members of the rescue team. The trainings that are open to individual participation create a good job opportunity.

Training consists of two levels.

Request Type Closed Group / Individual Participant
Training Type Face to face
Class Quota 1-12 people (Our trainees who come to our facility are covered by the 3rd Party Financial Liability Insurance.)
Training Time 2 days
Training Place İzmir/ Menderes Training Facility, Customer Fields
Target Group Cable car / Lift workers, managers and supervisors, firefighters
Precondition People over the age of 18, who are physically and mentally fit to work at height and under stress.
Training Language Turkish, English
Training Goals With this training, you can work as an assistant rescuer alongside professionals. You will get to know the equipment used during working at height and rescue from height and you will learn how to rescue from a cable car or lift with this equipment.
Trainers Delivered by experienced trainers who have worked as rescue personnel at heights in different industrial areas.
Training Goals - LIntroduction, Information - Standards and Regulations - Procedures, Risk Analysis - Equipment Selection and Use - Simple Rope Techniques and Rope Systems - Knots - Rope Maneuvers - Load Pulling Systems - Simple Ropeway and Chairlift Rescue Scenarios - Evaluation
Training Method Theoric + Practical Training
Evaluation At the end of the training, theoric and practical tests are made.
Validity Period 3 years
Certification A certificate of achievement will be issued.
Extras Lunch, drinks such as tea and coffee during class breaks and snacks are our self-service treats.
Request Type Closed Group / Individual Participant
Training Type Face to face
Class Quota 1-12 people (Our trainees who come to our facility are covered by the 3rd Party Financial Liability Insurance.)
Training Time 3 days
Training Place İzmir/ Menderes Training Facility, Customer Fields
Target Group Cable car / Lift workers, managers and supervisors, firefighters
Precondition People over the age of 18, who are physically and mentally fit to work at height and under stress. Anyone with Level 1 training can join.
Training Language Turkish, English
Trasining Goals At the end of this training, trainees will become "professional rescuers" who are competent to take charge in emergencies. Professional rescuer; manage emerging crises, make sound crisis decisions, conduct advanced risk assessment, lead the rescue team in emergencies. Numerous advanced rescue scenarios are applied in the trainings.
Trainers It is given by experienced trainers who have worked as rescue personnel at heights in different industrial areas.
Training Content - Introduction, Briefing - Standards and Regulations - Procedures, Risk Analysis - Equipment Selection, Use and Inspection - Advanced Rope Techniques and Rope Systems - Knots - Advanced Rope Maneuvers - Load Pulling Systems - Advanced Cablecar and Lift Rescue Scenarios -
Training Method Theoric + Practical Training
Evaluation At the end of the training, theoric and practical tests are made.
Validity Period 3 years
Certification A certificate of achievement will be issued.
Extras Lunch, drinks such as tea and coffee during class breaks and snacks are our self-service treats.

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