Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How much are the training fees?
To learn about the fees of all the trainings provided by MİRA CONTACT fill the form and write your application to us with the number of trainees. Our team will respond you with an official offer quickly.
How can i get certified as Rope Access Technician? How to become a Rope Access Technician?
To be a Rope Access Technician you should have one of the IRATA or SPRAT certificates. Every physically and mentally able person older than 18 can join these trainings. These trainings are provided by MIRA, as an accredited training institution.
What is the difference between work at height and rope access (SPRAT and IRATA)?
Work at Height Training is legally mandatory and focused on work environments that can be accessed by classical methods such as ladder, scaffold or a lift.
Training content is defined by Work Safety Laws, and consists of theoretical and practical trainings of using personal protective equipment, safe working tehchniques at height, rescue devices and basic rescue techniques. SPRAT and IRATA rope access technician trainings on the other hand, is focused on working at areas not accessible by classical work at height methods. They include advanced rope techniques and using special equipments. trainings are consist of double-rope access techniques and resque cases for the possible casualties using these thechniques. Training and Assessment both have theoretical test, oral and practical sections and requires physical fitness.
What is the difference between SPRAT and IRATA?
They do not have significant difference between rope access techniques. SPRAT is North America origined, whereas IRATA is Great Britain origined. SPRAT is a standardization organisation created by rope access technicians.
IRATA is a standardization organisation created by the construction and oil companies in need for work at height services.
With SPRAT certificate it is faster to level up; between the levels for L2 test 6 months and 500 rope hours, and for L3 test 6 months and 1000 rope hours experience has to be shown.
For IRATA certificate level-ups for L2 test 12 months ve 1000 rope hours experience and for L3 test 12 months and 2000 rope hours experience should be shown with the logbooks.
What is L1, L2, L3 (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3)?
They are SPRAT and IRATA rope access technician levels.
L1 Rope Access Technician: Works under supervision and control of L3 and L2 technicians. Training, assessment and field jobs needs mastering the rope access techniques and physical strength. No rope experience is asked to enter the technician training and assessment
L2 Rope Access Lead Technician: Works under supervision of L3 and responsible from L1 technicians. Training, assessment and field jobs needs mastering the rope access techniques and physical strength.For the test 500 or 1000 rope hour experince has to be shown with the logbook.
L3 Rope Access Supervısor: Responsible of the work and training areas. He makes sure that the risk assessment analysis he made is being practiced.
Controls L1 technicians through L2 lead technicians. He is responsible of setting and moving anchoage points. More than one L3 Supervisors may be necessary depending on the size of the work area and number of technicians on the job. Training, assessment and field jobs needs mastering the rope access and rescue techniques and physical strength.For the test 1000 or 2000 rope hour experince has to be shown with the logbook.
How do i fill the SPRAT and IRATA logbooks?
Filled with the rope hour experinces. Logbooks are given by organisation centers for recording the rope hour experinces for SPRAT and IRATA technicians and showing them assessments and tests. Details of the job done is recorded and approoved by the L3 site supervisor or the employer company.
Can i write the work at height trainings on the logbook?
No you can not. Work at height jobs and trainings use different equipments than the rope access equipments. They are not recorded to the logbooks as experince as they have different contents.
How do i continue with SPRAT and IRATA rope access? How do i have minimum rope hours?
You have rope hours by working as a technician. Being a trainer on training provider companies can also be recorded to the logbook as experince, but there are different ideas on leveling up without any actual site experince.
What are the contents of rope access (SPRAT and IRATA) and work at height? Which one should i choose? What does the law say?
Rope access job is focused on working at areas not accessible by classical work at height methods and includes advanced rope techniques and using special equipments.
Work at height is is done by accessing high areas by using classical technies such as ladders, scaffolds and lifts. You must choose the training fits to the definition of the job.
Do i have to take all modules of the GWO basic safety training (BST)? Isn't it enough to take only GWO work at height and basic rescue module?
It is mendotary to take GWO BST training modules and renew them every two years for everybody who is to work in wind turbines. Personnel already having only work at height certificates are being certified with GWO basic safety training (BST).
GWO is an organisation founded by wind turbine manufacturers wind power plant owners. Basic safety training (BST) is designed for standardizing the safety in work environment in all wind power plants.
Do you give facade and window cleaning certificates?
The laws does not specify a certificate under this name but it will beright and safe to apply for a rope access technician certificate. Facede cleaning can be made in two ways;
1. With the lift system of the structure designed to do this job; It is enough for the technicians to be certified on work at heights (Recommended to have a training consists of basic rescue and evacuation modules and working with proper equipment). These personnel can also take the rope access tecnician sertificate which includes more content.
2. By accessing the facade using double rope systems; requires İrata or Sprat RopeAccess Certificates.
Should i take GWO or work at height training to work at wind measuring towers?
Work at height certificate is officially enough. GWO basic safety trainings are only for working at wind turbines. Our recommendation is taking rope access technician certificate will be more economical and help you to work safer.
Rope access technicians are able to train at work at height trainings as rope access includes all techniques and equipment needed for work at height. The rescue methods covered by work at height training requires automatic evacuation and rescue devices.Purchase, maintenance and calibration costs for these rescue devices are more than the cost of equipment used in rope access.
Can i / should i use my own equipment (harness-helmet)?
MİRA supplies all necessary equipment for all trainings (work at height, GWO basic safety training, Rope access SPRAT and IRATA). Acoording to the work at height safety regulations of the institutions and organisations we work with (SPRAT, IRATA, GWO, Work Safety Ministry) only registered equipment can be used in the trainings at MIRA training center.
If you want to use your own equipment or PPE:
a) If the equipment is new; you should send the document showing purchase date, brand, model, serial number to MIRA before the training and get the equipment approved. If the equipment you bring does not match with the document sent you will not be able to use it for the training.
b) If the equipment is used; you should send the equipment and the documents to MIRA before the training and get it inspected and approved. Inspection service is chargeable.
Do you have special trainings for occupational safety specialists?
We have many trainings that may help the occupational safety specialists to improve their knowledge and technique. You can check for the thainings that may work for you and the environment you work on our trainings page.
Do you have trainings that are only theoretical?
All the trainings we provide, rope access, work at height, GWO trainings, have both theoretical and practical parts. Trainees should attend to the practical parts to be certified for the training. Distant training and entering the assessments after studying the technical documents is not suitable for these type of trainings.
What are the job opportunities? Does MIRA provide jobs?
Trainings provided by MIRA like rope access, work at height and GWO trainings are valid and looked for by many work areas. Rope access trainings is focused on working at areas not accessible by classical work at height methods, and they include advanced rope techniques and using special equipments. Industrial organisations, factories, refineries, high structures, wind turbines and sectors like these need rope access services.
Work at height training certificate is mandatory for the personnel working in the jobs and companies specified in the work safety laws. GWO basic safety training is mandatory for all personnel to be able to work in the wind turbines and consists of work at height and rescue, first aid, manuel handling and fire awareness modules.
MIRA does not promise any job opportunities for MIRA or any other company after any trainings provided.
Do you provide job opportunities at MIRA to record rope hours?
MIRA does not promise any job opportunities for MIRA or any other company after any trainings provided.
According to what regulation are lifelines made? / Occupational health and safety regulation in construction works
Life lines are designed according to the occupational health and safety regulation in construction works which is renewed at 31/12/2018 for the safety and health criterias for the construction equipment. Use the link for the new regulation.